Pattern Forecast
The Pattern Forecast indicator is a technical analysis tool that scans historical price data to identify common chart patterns and then analyzes the price movements that followed these patterns. It takes this information and projects it into the future to provide traders with potential price actions that may occur if the same pattern is identified in real-time market data. This projection helps traders to understand the possible outcomes based on the previous occurrences of the pattern, thereby offering a clearer perspective of the market scenario. By analyzing the historical data and understanding the subsequent price movements following the appearance of a specific pattern, the indicator can provide valuable insights into potential future market behavior.
The indicator works by scanning historical price data for various candlestick patterns. It includes all in-built TradingView patterns, credit to TradingView that has coded them.
- Essentially, the indicator takes the historical price moves that followed the pattern to forecast what might happen next.
In this example, the algorithm is set to search for the Inverted Hammer Bullish candlestick pattern. If the pattern is found, the historical outcome is then projected into the future. This helps traders to understand how the past pattern evolved over time.

How to use
Providing traders with a comprehensive understanding of historical patterns and their implications for future price action allows them to assess the likelihood of specific market scenarios objectively. For example, suppose the pattern forecast indicator suggests that a particular pattern is likely to lead to a bullish move in the market. A trader might consider going long if the same pattern is identified in the real-time market. Similarly, a trader might consider shorting the asset if the indicator suggests a bearish move is likely, if the same pattern is identified in the real-time market.
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