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The content on Zeiierman Trading is for informational and entertainment purposes, based on personal experience. It is not a substitute for financial advice. Always consult a qualified professional for financial investment guidance. For more details, please read our disclaimer and policies.

SMC Orderblock Trend Strategy

SMC Orderblock Trend Strategy


The SMC Orderblock Trend Strategy is designed to help traders capitalize on market trends using our Premium SMC Indicator, which displays Premium and Discount zones in real-time. This advanced strategy leverages a unique Fractal Structure, making it the most accurate market structure tool available. It enables traders to effectively use SMC (Smart Money Concepts) in trending markets, identifying high-probability entries at trend order blocks.

Strategy Overview
High probability trade

Why the Premium Fractal Structure is Superior

Our Premium Fractal Structure offers a significant advantage over traditional pivot point-based systems. Many SMC indicators rely on pivot points, which have several critical flaws:

  1. Delay: Pivot points are calculated after the fact, leading to delayed signals that fail to capture the current market structure accurately.
  2. Inaccuracy: Pivot points do not reflect the underlying market structure, resulting in a distorted view of market dynamics.
  3. Broad Ranges: Pivot point-based structures tend to produce wide ranges between high and low points. These broad ranges define the SMC Range, consisting of Premium and Discount zones, but make it nearly impossible to enter trades within trends. The price rarely retraces to these zones, and even if it does, the trend has already shifted.
Pivot structure - broad ranges

In contrast, our Fractal Structure:

Operates in Real-Time: The fractal structure adapts instantly to current price action, providing live updates on market conditions.

  • Adapts to Market Trends: The fractal structure is dynamic, adjusting to prevailing trends and market conditions, ensuring it remains relevant and accurate.
  • Narrower Ranges: The fractal structure's adaptability to the current market structure enables narrower ranges in trending markets. This allows the price a real opportunity to retrace to Premium and Discount levels within this range without disrupting or altering the underlying trend.
  • Enables Precise Entries: The live range feature allows traders to enter positions at Premium or Discount levels even within ongoing trends, offering a unique advantage for those looking to enter order blocks in trending markets.
Premium fractal structure - narrow ranges in trends
This makes our Premium SMC Indicator a powerful tool for trend traders who need accurate and timely signals to enter the market at optimal points.

Adding a Key Insight to the SMC Orderblock Trend Strategy

When trading with the SMC Orderblock Trend Strategy, it's crucial to understand the behavior of pullbacks within strong trends. Typically, in a strong trending market, pullbacks tend to be smaller and often consist of just a few candles. These minor retracements or small consolidations reflect the market's strength and the limited willingness of the price to move against the dominant trend.

These characteristics are important for traders to recognize because strong trends often exhibit only minor retracements. This means that traditional methods of identifying pullbacks might miss these smaller moves, leading to missed trading opportunities. Therefore, it's essential to use a market structure that can accurately display these minor pullbacks, allowing traders to enter trades in strong trends effectively.

Minor Pullbacks in Positive Trends

In strong uptrends, pullbacks are often minor, consisting of just a few candles or forming small consolidations. These minor retracements occur because the prevailing market sentiment is bullish, and there is limited selling pressure to push the price significantly lower. These small pullbacks reflect the market's resilience and the strength of the trend, making it crucial to use a market structure that accurately displays these minor movements. The Premium SMC Indicator excels in this aspect by dynamically adapting to market conditions and ensuring that even the smallest pullbacks are identified. This allows traders to effectively enter trades within strong trends, capitalizing on the momentum while managing risk​.

Minor pullbacks in positive trends

Larger Pullbacks in Negative Trends

Conversely, in strong downtrends, pullbacks tend to be larger and bolder. This is primarily due to the increased volatility that often accompanies negative market sentiment. When the market is trending downwards, there is typically more uncertainty, leading to sharper and more significant price retracements. These larger pullbacks can create more substantial corrections within the trend, which traders must account for when planning their entries and exits. Understanding this behavior helps traders set more appropriate stop losses and take-profit levels, ensuring they are not prematurely stopped out during these more volatile periods​.

Often bolder pullbacks in negative trends

Strategy Overview

The SMC Orderblock Trend Strategy focuses on finding low-risk, high-reward trades in established trends using our Premium Fractal SMC Indicator. The indicator displays CHoCH (Change of Character), SMS (Smart Money Shift/Shift in Market Structure), and BMS/BoS (Break of Market Structure) in real-time, alongside the live SMC Range, which consists of Premium and Discount zones. The strategy combines this structure with Trend Orderblocks, which serve as precise entry points within the trend, aligned with Premium and Discount prices.

Strategy Idea - Long Entry
A perfect trend continuation entry

What is a Trend Orderblock?

A Trend Orderblock is a key price zone where the market structure breaks and establishes a new higher low or lower high. This break signifies the continuation of the trend, making it a critical area for potential entries. Read more about Trend Orderblocks.

  1. Identify Trend Orderblocks:
    • Use our SMC Indicator to identify trend order blocks. These are zones where the market structure breaks, creating a new higher low in an uptrend or a lower high in a downtrend.
  2. Mark the Zone:
    • Once a trend order block is identified, mark the zone and monitor for price retracement into this area.
Trend OB

Long Entry

When entering a long position using the SMC Orderblock Trend Strategy, follow these steps:

  1. Identify the Market Trend:
    • Ensure that the market is in an uptrend, characterized by a series of higher highs and higher lows. Use the Premium SMC Indicator to confirm the trend by looking for a Shift in Market Structure (SMS) to the upside and Break of Structure (BMS/BoS) that confirms the continuation of the uptrend​
  2. Locate the Trend Order Block:
    • Identify an order block that has formed after a SMS or BMS/BoS. The order block should be a consolidation zone where institutional buyers have previously entered the market. This block typically forms at a higher low after the SMS/BOS, indicating a strong demand zone​.
  3. Align with Premium/Discount Zones:
    • Wait for the price to retrace into the identified order block. At the same time, ensure that this retracement aligns with the Discount zone as indicated by the Premium SMC Indicator’s live range display. This alignment suggests that the price is in a favorable position for a bullish entry​.
  4. Confirmation of Entry:
    • Look for additional confirmation before entering the trade. This could be a bullish price action signal such as a bullish engulfing pattern, pin bar, or a strong bullish candle within the order block. These signals indicate that institutional buyers are stepping back in, increasing the probability of a successful trade.
  5. Set Stop Loss and Take Profit:
    • Place your stop loss just below the low of the order block or the swing low that formed the block. This protects against a deeper retracement or potential reversal.
    • Set your take profit at the next higher high in the uptrend or use a risk-to-reward ratio of at least 1:2, depending on the distance to the next significant resistance level.
Long Entry

Short Entry

For entering a short position using the SMC Orderblock Trend Strategy, follow these steps:

  1. Identify the Market Trend:
    • Confirm that the market is in a downtrend, with lower highs and lower lows. Use the Premium SMC Indicator to identify a Shift in Market structure (SMS) to the downside and a Break of Structure (BMS/BoS) that signals a continuation of the bearish trend​.
  2. Locate the Trend Order Block:
    • Find a bearish order block that forms after an SMS or BMS/Bos. This order block typically occurs at a lower high after the SMS/BoS, serving as a supply zone where institutional sellers have entered the market.
  3. Align with Premium/Discount Zones:
    • Wait for the price to retrace into the identified order block, ensuring it aligns with the Premium zone as shown by the Premium SMC Indicator. This alignment indicates that the price is in a favorable position for a bearish entry.
  4. Confirmation of Entry:
    • Look for bearish price action signals within the order block, such as a bearish engulfing pattern, pin bar, or a strong bearish candle. These patterns suggest that institutional sellers are re-entering the market, making it a high-probability trade setup​.
  5. Set Stop Loss and Take Profit:
    • Place your stop loss just above the high of the order block or the swing high that created the block. This helps to protect against a potential retracement or reversal.
    • Set your take profit at the next lower low in the downtrend or apply a risk-to-reward ratio of at least 1:2, depending on the distance to the next significant support level​.
Short Entry


The SMC Orderblock Trend Strategy is a robust method for traders seeking to enter established trends with precision and confidence. By using our Premium Fractal SMC Indicator, traders can identify and capitalize on high-probability entries at trend order blocks, with the added assurance of real-time market structure and price action alignment. This strategy offers a significant edge in trend trading, making it a valuable tool for any serious trader.


With over 15 years in the market, Zeiierman has extensive experience as a full-time trader and risk advisory consultant for hedge funds. He has developed many profitable trading strategies, drawing on his background in risk management and strategy execution.

The content on Zeiierman Trading is for informational and entertainment purposes, based on personal experience. It is not a substitute for financial advice. Always consult a qualified professional for financial investment guidance. For more details, please read our disclaimer and policies.

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